Q: True or False: I Don’t Need to Hire Someone to Clean My Carpet, I Can Just Rent a Machine and Do it Myself!

12812081_sA: False!
Unfortunately, this one is a big misconception that can cost people a lot of money. A carpet should last for years, but it won’t if it’s improperly cleaned. The truth is that the carpet cleaning machines that you can rent inexpensively from a grocery or home improvement store can cause serious damage to your carpet. The machines put a lot of water and soap into your carpet, but they don’t have the horsepower to effectively suck it all out again, along with the dirt. The result is a carpet that takes a long time to dry, making it vulnerable to mold and mildew. The extra moisture can also damage your carpet’s backing, and even the pad. In addition, the chemicals used by the carpet shampoo and/or stain removers can be unhealthy for those who are chemically sensitive. Finally, it has been found that many of the cleaning products suggested for use with these carpet cleaners will remove color from around 33% of all carpets on the market. Let us come out and do a thorough and proper job of cleaning your carpet; your carpet will not only be the same color when we leave, it will look far, far cleaner!

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