While everyone and every household is different, there are a few guidelines as to when is a good time to get your carpets cleaned. Carpet manufacturers generally advise that you should clean your carpets at least once a year, more often depending upon how you use them.
Moving? If you are moving into a new home, it is always a good idea to clean the carpets beforehand. Even if the previous owners claim to have done so, you can never be too sure or careful. You should also clean the carpets of the home you moved out of, either as a favor to the new owners or as a help to get your home sold faster! If you are renting, many rental companies have guidelines they use as to who can clean the carpets of their rentals, so be sure to check with them first.
Spring Cleaning? Depending upon where you live, winters can be a harsh time for your carpets. Kids and pets dragging snow and mud inside day after day can leave you with mucky carpets by the end of winter. Many homeowners have their carpets routinely cleaned at the beginning of Spring.
Holidays? If your home is host to many a holiday party or visiting family member, you may want to have your carpets cleaned before the exciting chaos starts! However, if parties and family members bring wear and mess to your carpets, then after the holidays may be a more suitable time. Or you may want to have them cleaned before and after!
Whenever and however often you decide is best for your home, professionally cleaning your carpet is the best way to make sure they last you as long time, remain healthy and continue to look lovely as the years go on!